Identity-Love is the requirement for self-love.

Hi! I'm Tracy Konane
I used want to be anyone but myself.
I'd lose myself in relationships and stay in bad situations because I didn't know who I'd be without it.
I was exhausted, frustrated, anxious, and unhealthy on all levels.
Now I'm dedicating my life to experiencing being as fully Me as possible -- and it's a whole new wonderous era.
In a world that constantly feeds our self-doubt, I believe in standing up for our own soul and being hellbent on being ourselves is the true purpose of being alive.
Identity Love is...
An all-in-one resource for recovering partner-pleasers to learn how to love & be themselves.
Made with love
& understanding
Special guidance for those who have lost themselves in a relationship for years and don't know where to even start
Real stuff you can actually start doing
Things big and small that you can begin doing right away to get your self-identity journal going strong
Fresh, fun, & for real
I share my personal journey, create things on whim, give you all that I've got. You are not alone in this ❤

Identity Love Club
About me
I am an Identity Specialist, certified life coach, creative ninja, and someone who has struggled with self-doubt, codependence, social-anxiety, and not knowing how to be myself for most of my life.
Loving my own identity was the one thing that helped me to finally start feeling love towards myself, leave unfulfilling situations, find amazing new relationships, and create a whole new life for myself.
You have a unique and attractive identity that only you can figure out, and it is my goal and obsession to help you experience the enjoyment of being yourself.
Identity Love Club is a membership site with a creative flair. I will be providing not only informative videos sharing all the life-changing tools; but also more intimate vlogs on my own journey and spur-of-the-moment epiphanies.
A one-stop-shop for coaching, support, inspiration, and identity-LOVE -- a living and breathing reminder that you are not alone in this; we are in this together.
Hope to see you in the club!