Self-love is becoming the person you most want to be
Hi, I'm Tracy
I deliberately chose to become the person I am today, and my mission is to help you intentionally create and become who you truly want to be.
I'm a certified life coach through The Life Coach School. I have a B.A. in Philosophy and an M.A. in Information Science. (I was originally going to be a librarian!)
I've worked extensively in bars & restaurants and consider it a major credential in navigating human relationships and practicing self-love.
I was born and raised in Hawaii and am currently living in nutty Hollywood, California with my adorable boyfriend of 13+ years, and approximately 6 plants.
But my own personal journey is what brought me here...
From a young age I was told I was supposed to be a certain way.
When I didn't meet expectations, I believed there was something inherently wrong with me.
Out of self-disgust, I vowed to do whatever it'd take to be seen as a special and worthy person.
I worked hard to be liked by everybody, and I constantly needed a boyfriend to provide all my self-love, confidence, and future happiness.
By age 30 I'd hit a dark night of the soul. I'd done so much, yet I was still so insecure and unhappy inside.
I still saw myself through other people's eyes -- just like my upbringing had taught me to do.
I realized it was entirely up to me to change this.
In the following years I began to deliberately choose who I really was.
I finally put my own desires, expression, dreams, and identity first, and became someone I truly enjoy being.
Re-creating myself made into my true self, and I am super passionate about helping others do the same.
I'm still the person I always was inside, but self-love made me into the person I always wanted to be.
Your self-love & self-identity determines how you feel and act in your relationship
...and your entire life.
Yet nobody ever teaches us this.
In fact, we were subconsciously taught to build our identities around other people's happiness and approval.
So, with the best of intentions, we put our own identity aside and find purpose in being a good partner/worker/family member/friend.
Which is one part of you, but not all of you.
No matter what it feels like right now, you do have an interesting, attractive identity within you, waiting to come out.
And the more you grow into your own identity & self-love the less emotionally reliant you'll feel towards your partner...and the world.